Sunday, February 27, 2011

Lessons in being thrifty

I'm trying really really hard to pinch my pennies - between buying a house and having a handful of friends get married I'm somewhat lacking in the funds department. I shouldn't complain because I very rarely go without - I have plenty of food to eat and a roof over my head, and if anything actually thinking about money is forcing me to be a little more creative.

Take for example the fact that there is no way in hell I can justify buying new shoes at the present moment.
Solution = shoe clips!

I'm not sure about your mother, but my mama has always had amazing style. And I remember in the early 90s when she clipped chic navy blue bows onto the front of simple court shoes. She transformed relatively plain shoes into something special - special enough for me to remember them 20 years later. I won't even try to pretend for one moment that I'm chic or stylish like my mum, but I still have style... it's not just necessarily any good. But either way, my desire for cute shoes was waging a war with my new thrifty mindset, so I took a pair of $8 flat black shoes from Kmart and raided my craft stash (and by stash I mean pile, and by pile I mean mountain) and some clip on earring backs to make these clip on flowers.
And while I may be thrifty for the moment, I'm still plenty greedy... so I made myself multiple pairs.
I've been dreaming of shoe clips for a while now and might sell them/pay people to take them at Glebe markets as a bit of a test case. So would you wear an oversized flower on your footsies? Say yes!


Lish said...

Such a cute idea! I need to be thrifty at the moment too - so I might have to steal this idea ;)

Lorraine @ Not Quite Nigella said...

Ooht that's just like shoe jewellery! :D

Rah said...

I need to learn from you! Thrifty looks cute :)

emma said...

it's really simple so definitely give it a go!
haha if only all thrifty was this cute and simple... it's killing me!

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